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HL7 Canada TOR 8 years 1 month ago #1961

The final version of the Terms of Reference have been posted for approximately four weeks. We will consider this version of the Terms of Reference approved. I will be working with Infoway to begin the process for an election of the HL7 Canada Council.

If you are interested in becoming an elected member of the Council (4 members to be elected), stay tuned for further information.

Thank you to everyone who spent time to review, comment and participate in the discussions.

HL7 Canada Chair
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HL7 Canada TOR 8 years 1 month ago #1915

Thanks for your comments Thomas.
We did discuss jurisdictional representation being geographical on the teleconference, but we didn't make a change to it.

We didn't discuss a requirement of having someone second a nomination.

I'd be interested in others comments about these two potential changes to the Terms of Reference. Please respond to this thread.

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HL7 Canada TOR 8 years 1 month ago #1890

Hi Melva,

Sorry for my late review.
Please take a look at my comments.

Best Regards,
Thomas Zhou

1.1.1 An elected member can be re-elected for an unlimited number of terms.
Comment: New eligible candidates are encouraged to join the council, and recommended candidates need a second to compete for the council members.

1.1.1 No single jurisdiction may have direct or indirect personnel holding more than one-third of the seats on the HL7 Canada Council.
Comment: it is recommended that at least either one of members comes from west and east Canada.
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HL7 Canada TOR 8 years 2 months ago #1886

Here is the final version of the HL7 Canada Terms of Reference for review. The review period is open until end of day December 18th. Any comments are received and responded to. If no comments are received, this version will be considered to be approved.
HL7 Canada Terms of Referenced v3 - FINAL
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HL7 Canada TOR 8 years 2 months ago #1874

Thanks to everyone who helped to revised the HL7 Canada Terms of Reference. I have attached the updated version that will be discussed and finalized on the December 6th call.

HL7 Canada Terms of Referenced v3 - Proposed FINAL
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HL7 Canada TOR 8 years 2 months ago #1865

We will review the updated TOR at next week's HL7 Canada Community call (Tuesday Dec 6 @ noon eastern). Meeting details here -
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