Request Management Solution
Infoway Request Management System (InfoRMS) is Infoway's request for change (RFC) tool for SNOMED CT®, pCLOCD/LOINC® and pan-Canadian Subsets. Not sure if you have access to InfoRMS? Manage your InfoRMS Access in your user profile.
In order to ensure that SNOMED CT RFCs are addressed in an efficient and timely manner, it is the requestor's responsbility to:
- Ensure that the content does not exist in either the International or Canadian editions of SNOMED CT;
- Ensure that the request conforms with the most recent Editorial Guidelines;
- Provide the date of implementation;
- Provide reference material that is publicly available, authoritative, recent and relevant to the request (Wikipedia is not considered appropriate);
- Support the request with a clear justification for the change and an appropriate use case for context;
- Ensure all mandatory InfoRMS fields have been completed prior to submission.
Prior to submitting a pCLOCD/LOINC request, it is the requestor's responsibility to:
- Ensure that the content does not exist in LOINC or the pCLOCD;
- Ensure that a similar or equivalent term has not already been requested, by way of searching the online LOINC Submissions Queue;
- Ensure that a similar or equivalent term has not already been accepted and under development for the next official release, by way of searching LOINC Pre-release terms;
- Comply with Regenstrief Editorial Guidelines (note: login required)
Prior to submitting a Subset request, it is the requestor's responsibility to:
- Validate the content against the subsets in Terminology Gateway
- Comply with the appropriate proper terminology Editorial Guidelines