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TOPIC: Two new GSSO resources

Two new GSSO resources 4 years 5 months ago #6283

Hi Everyone,

Wanted to let all of you know about two recent resources that directly GSSO information practices:

1) Rainbow Health Ontario has created a document on 'How to make your EHR inclusive'. It was created based on many requests for guidance on incorporating sexual orientation and gender identity into EHRs. A copy of this document can be found here:

2) There is also a new open access publication from the PRIDE study on 'What Sexual and Gender Minority People Want Researchers to Know About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions: A Qualitative Study'. Here is the citation/link to the publication:
Suen, L.W., Lunn, M.R., Katuzny, K. et al. What Sexual and Gender Minority People Want Researchers to Know About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions: A Qualitative Study. Arch Sex Behav (2020).

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