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TOPIC: Meeting Coordinates: Launch of Health Analytics Community

Meeting Coordinates: Launch of Health Analytics Community 6 years 5 months ago #4252

Hello all,

The new Health Analytics Community will be launched on September 27, 2018 at 2-3 PM EST.

With years of investment in centralized data collection solutions, electronic health records, and data warehouses and the shift from implementation of point of care systems and EHRs to use of data for analytics, the community will facilitate:

• Sharing of analytic problem statements
• Sharing of analytic strategy and roadmaps
• Technology solutions (data acquisition, selection, implementation etc.)
• Skill and capability requirements
• Analytic artifacts (data visualization, machine learning, AI etc.)

Diane Gutiw, Director with the CGI Group and Leads the Analytics Practice for Canada and Finnie Flores, Program Lead in Architecture and Standards at Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), will jointly facilitate the Health Analytics Community. They will collaborate with the community to determine topics of interest, artifacts to work on, and will identify presentations and discussions relevant to support and advance these initiatives.

Please click on the following the link for meeting coordinates:


Diane and Finnie
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