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TOPIC: Agenda for June 4th HL7 International Canadian Community Call

Agenda for June 4th HL7 International Canadian Community Call 5 years 8 months ago #5035

Hello all,

As mentioned in the June 4th call, here is the link to the description of the provider roles for consideration to add to the HealthcareProviderRoleType value set.

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Agenda for June 4th HL7 International Canadian Community Call 5 years 8 months ago #4994

Hello everyone:

Tomorrow, Tuesday June 4th is the next HL7 International Community Call. Call coordinates are here.
The proposed agenda is:
  1. Promotion of Certified Terminology Specialist program at Canadian College of Health Information Management (CCHIM) - 5 mins
  2. CIHI request for additions to the HealthcareProviderRoleType value set - 5 mins
  3. Discussion on Sex and Gender - 10 mins
  4. Process to request a FHIR URI - 10 mins
  5. Discussion: Canadian community balloting of HL7 FHIR Canadian baseline specs and implementation guides - 10 mins
  6. Canadian experiences at the HL7 May 2019 Working Group Meeting Report - 10 mins
  7. HL7 May 2019 Working Group Meeting Affiliate Chair Report - 10 mins
I hope to hear you on the call.

Ron G. Parker, HL7 Canada Affiliate Chair
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by rongparker. Reason: Addition of agenda item, numbering of the list
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