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TOPIC: Welcome to David Koff, MD FRCPC - DI Community Clinical Leader

Welcome to David Koff, MD FRCPC - DI Community Clinical Leader 7 years 11 months ago #2236

I would like to welcome Dr. David Koff to the DI Community in his role as Clinical Leader.

Short Bio David Koff.

David Koff, MD FRCPC, is Chair of the Department of Radiology at McMaster University and Chief of Diagnostic Imaging at Hamilton Health Sciences, Professor of radiology at McMaster University, and founder and director of MIIRCAM, the Medical Imaging Informatics Research Centre at McMaster, leading research projects on radiation monitoring and integration of images in the electronic patient record. He created and is currently Chair of Canada Safe Imaging, a joined initiative with Canadian Universities and professional associations to promote radiation safety in Canada, aligned with the Bonn Call-for-Action and major international initiatives.

For the last 15 years, Dr. Koff’s research has centered on the electronic communication and workflow integration of medical images, and he helped develop the Canadian standards on lossy compression. His current research is about aggregation of medical data. He is co-Chair of the IHE International Radiology Planning Committee.
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