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HL7 Explorer

  HL7 Explorer retired November 29, 2019

HL7 Explorer retired on November 29, 2019 with no further updates or maintenance. Access will continue “as is”.

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Enhanced browsing of HL7 v3

Infoway HL7 Explorer is a powerful browser for HL7 v3 structures, vocabulary and references. Used in conjunction with the pan-Canadian releases, HL7 Explorer makes locating details and information more efficient.

In November 2017, the Canadian HL7 InfoCentral community determined that there was no longer any need to do further updates to the pan-Canadian Version 3 messages. As a result, the December 2012 releases of MR02.06.01 and CeRx 4.4.2 are the latest pan-Canadian publications of these standardized messages.

The HL7 Explorer, the Master Terminology Worksheet (MTW) and all other messaging related artifacts are aligned with the latest releases.


Learn about the features HL7 Explorer: search once, graphical representation, quick hints, etc.

MR 02.06

HL7 Explorer applied to the MR 02.06 HL7 v3 maintenance release

CeRx 4.4.2

HL7 Explorer applied to the CeRx 4.4.2 HL7 v3 maintenance release



Standards versions available for viewing in HL7 Explorer

Standard URL 
CA MR 02.06
CA MR 02.05.01
CA MR 02.05
CA MR 02.04.03
CA CeRx 4.4.2
CA CeRx 4.4.1 
CA CeRx 4.4
BC V02R04
NS CeRx 4.3
NS R02.04.03
AB MR2007
AB R02.04.03
AB R02.04.00 SHR
AB R02.04.03 Imm
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