Updates for Browsing and Mapping to International and Canadian SNOMED CT content
Browsing Canadian Content of SNOMED CT and Mapping July 2015 and January 2015 International Releases just got easier.
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Browsing Canadian Content of SNOMED CT and Mapping July 2015 and January 2015 International Releases just got easier.
EMR use is but one of several ways that recording, storing and accessing patient information, from lab test results to prescription management to diagnostic images, has been transformed across Canada through the use of digital health.
Search results from select Infoway sites can now be included on InfoCentral searches. Unified search provides the option to include search results from these Infoway sites, with new additions coming soon.
Single Sign-On has been enabled on InfoCentral, InfoCentral Wiki, InfoRMS, InfoScribe and Message Remixer.
An easy-to-use data mapping solution which is provided by request for free to individuals who have Standards Access.
This recorded webinar focused on presenting the IHE Connectathon from the practical, hands on point of view of a participating vendor.
The July 2015 versions of pan-Canadian LOINC Observation Code Database (pCLOCD) and Systematized NOmenclature of MEDicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT®) are now available for review and implementation.
We are happy to make our first sponsor announcement for the Infoway Partnership Conference 2015.
Infoway is pleased to announce the beta release of the on-line Terminology Gateway that allows terminology implementers to browse subset content and the definition of these subsets.
The release of MessageBuilder 2.1 provides .NET APIs for CDA and Consolidated CDA.
This screencast video provides a review of how InfoScribe can be used to author and maintain specifications for clinical data exchange solutions.
Transformer les soins de santé au Canada grâce aux technologies de l'information sur la santé.