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Structured Product Monograph Webinar

Group: Medication Management
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Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET
by Beverly Knight

Please join Craig Anderson and this webinar to learn about what the Structured Product Monograph (SPM) project is planning and how it may impact stakeholders who regularly search product monographs for drug product and prescribing information (e.g., search for ingredient or section heading); or reuse/re-publish product monograph content into other formats or systems.


Health Canada has an ongoing project to transition product monographs to a new structured format based on Extensible Markup Language (XML), Health Level 7 (HL7) standards and controlled vocabularies. The HL7 standard in question is the Structured Product Label; the same standard used by the US FDA.

The new XML product monograph will allow us to deliver benefits not previously possible with PDF. For example, indexing and searching product monograph content for details like ingredients, dosage forms and therapeutic class.

As the project progresses we are reaching out to stakeholder groups to gather feedback and to understand how they could leverage this new format. During this webex we will provide an overview of the project and would appreciate having your feedback on this new format.

The telephone coordinates and link to webex are as follows:

Call-in toll-free number: 1-877-413-4781 (Canada)
Call-in number: 1-613-960-7510 (Canada)
Attendee access code: 773 760 3

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