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Name: Cindy Jiang
Home City: Toronto Ontario Employer: eHealth Ontario Community/Stakeholder Group: Government HL7 Involvement: With over 20 years of working in the information technology industry in software development and system integration primarily in the healthcare sector, I am a seasoned interoperability architect and standards subject-matter-expert in building and integrating Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions. I currently hold the position of Lead, Standards – Data Exchange in eHealth Standards Program, Architecture and Standards Division at eHealth Ontario. • In-depth knowledge of the Ontario EHR and the healthcare landscape of Ontario and Canada • Major contributor for the development, review, publication and maintenance of the interoperability standards and specifications of the Ontario EHR (HL7 v2, HL7 v3, XDS/CDA, HL7 FHIR) • Standards subject-matter-expert in supporting the build, integration, implementation and adoption of various Ontario EHR assets (e.g. ConnectingOntario CDR, Provincial Client Registry) Prior to my role at eHealth Ontario, I was a consultant in private sector. • Solution architect for the development of the Ontario BORN Registry and the provincial Critical Care Information System • Integration architect for delivering standard based healthcare solutions, including hospital integration for a number of major hospitals in Ontario (HL7 v2.x), and pharmacy implementation of Drug Information Systems in a number of Canadian provinces (HL7 v3) |
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Name: Jean Duteau
Home City: Edmonton, Alberta Employer: Self-Employed, Duteau Design Inc. Community/Stakeholder Group: Consultant HL7 Involvement: I have been a key participant in the implementation of pan-Canadian HL7 messaging and terminology specifications in numerous Canadian jurisdictions and have a keen understanding of implementation challenges and resolution strategies. I have been teaching HL7 v2, HL7 CDA, and HL7 FHIR for the past five years to organizations in the United States as well as part of HL7’s Summer School webinar sessions and tutorials at their Working Group Meeting tutorials. I have also taught HL7 v3 for Developers in the past. I was the project lead for two separate HL7 CDA initiatives that led to simplifying implementations and providing best practice guidelines to CDA implementers. In the past, I have worked at WCB of Manitoba to develop a conceptual architecture for their new Electronic Healthcare Reporting and Billing project. I have assisted Alberta Health and eHealth Saskatchewan (eHS) with their HL7 v2 and HL7 v3 Drug Repository systems and Patient and Provider Registry systems. As part of the work for eHS, I also assisted the Conformance Drug Team Lead in producing external vendor conformance documentation, test data, and test procedures. I have been attending HL7 International Working Group meetings since January 2008 and am a co-chair of the Modeling & Methodology and Pharmacy workgroups. I have been a HL7 v3 modelling facilitator for a number of workgroups and projects. I am also one of the international representatives on the HL7 Technical Steering Committee and currently serve as the HL7 International representative on the Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group (BRIDG) model. I am also heavily involved in an implementation of the Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP) standards which uses the HL7 v3 Structured Product Labelling standard. I have served on the HL7 Canada Council since its formation and look forward to serving on the Council again. |
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Name: Danna Dobson
Home City: Kingston Ontario Employer: Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Province of Ontario Community/Stakeholder Group: Government HL7 Involvement: I am an enthusiastic informatician, possessing an intimate knowledge of standards organizations, including HL7, plus detailed understanding of the functioning of both Provincial and Federal Governments. I am also familiar with the organizational governance, policies, and procedures of both HL7 Inc and Canada, and the Canada Health Infoway InfoCentral Standards. I have been a member at large for several terms, with specific representation contribution from the F/P/T Community. I am very much an advocate of leverage existing knowledge, expertise and forums. I have been involved in standards discussions in the domains of drugs, claims adjudications and EHRs. I am committed to coordinate subject matter expert input in a manner that appreciates the volunteer nature of this work; minimizing duplication and maximizing the value of the consultation and input. I also have a particular interest in communicating with our clients, who might be users of standards, but not the development experts. Without the confirmation of business requirements, or a means to effectively assure a client that their requirements are met, the motivation to support adoption will vary. As an individual, I am an advocate for pursuing standards, promoting the awareness of the standards products to clients for consideration. Given my close association with health care, health care delivery, and the Ontario Government’s Digital Health Strategy, HL7 and FHIR are two obvious standards of interest. I have had a few challenges staying engaged with the working groups while leading a significant project that has implement FHIR. I have moved on to another job that I hope will afford me more opportunities to reengage and be re-elected. I would be pleased to continue to represent the F/P/T community as a member-at -large. I am currently employed as a Manager, Application Development and Maintenance with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario. |
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• Name: Iryna Roy (BSc CS)
• Home City: Toronto, ON • Employer: Gevity Consulting Inc./Shoppers Drug Mart • Community/Stakeholder Group represented: Consultant • Involvement in HL7 (nationally and internationally): 1. HL7 V3 Certified Specialist; HL7 Trainer with HL7 International since 2009. TOGAF Certified Architect 2. Member of the Patient Administration Working Group, HL7 International. Former vice-chair of the SCWG7 (Non-Clinical Registries) 3. Created and/or maintained numerous interoperability specifications such as eHealth Ontario Provincial Client Registry, BC PITO EMR-2-EMR Data Transfer, eHealth Ontario Clinical Document Framework. 4. Participated in the design of the Ontario's e-Health Blueprint and eHealth Ontario HIAL logical architecture. 5. Currently working on the integration of the Pharmacy Management System with the provincial DIS systems in NS, NB, and SK. 6. Actively participating in the FHIR resource development with the HL7 Patient Administration Working Group. 7. 18 years of IT experience, 13 years in the Healthcare IT. |
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I submitted my nomination last Thursday after I noticed that there are not enough candidates to fill the required number of seats. Apparently, there was a surge in the number of candidates after that and I can see that you have more than enough to fill all seats. I have already served on the HL7 Canada Council for about 6.5 years and I believe I can serve InfoWay/HL7 in other future leadership positions. I am withdrawing my nomination for this seat. Best wishes to all.
Short Bio: Name: Rachad Badrawi (MSc, MSc). Home City: Toronto, ON. Employer: InDOC Research/Queen's University. Community/Stakeholder Group Represented: Non-profit/Academia. Rachad joined Canada Health Infoway in 2009. He has been serving on the HL7 Canada Council since 2011, actively participating in the voting and review process for new HL7 standards. Careerwise, Rachad has been professionally involved in blending biomedical sciences and computer sciences for the last sixteen years. He has been working with InDOC Research as the Manager of Clinical Data Integration for the last four years, where he laid the data management architecture for BrainCODE and other big data projects. He is also a research faculty in the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine at Queen's University, currently involved in ICU data processing and analysis. Rachad has been involved in earlier projects at IRCM (Institute of Clinical Research of Montreal), University of Toronto, Nightingale Informatix (now part of Telus Health), University of Connecticut Medical Center, and others. Rachad carries a Bachelor in Biology from the American University of Beirut, and two masters from Northeastern University in Boston: one in pharmacology and the other in Information Systems. |
Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by relbadrawi. Reason: Nomination Withdrawn
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Just a reminder to everyone that the nomination period is still open for the HL7 Canada Council elections. I would encourage everyone to consider nominating themselves for the HL7 Canada Council - it's a great way to learn more about HL7 and to support HL7 activities in Canada.
Nomination period closes September 29, 2017. Thanks |
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Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.