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TOPIC: SNOMED International seeking additional clinical expert advice as part of their Quality Improvement initiative

SNOMED International seeking additional clinical expert advice as part of their Quality Improvement initiative 5 years 6 days ago #5743

Jane Millar from SNOMED International has reached out to see if we might know of anyone to help provide some clinical and terminology expertise to support their quality improvement work.

From Jane:
• Medical Devices work – as you know, there is some preliminary work on defining a content model for Medical devices and they are testing it on a few areas. One area they are looking at is Stents and so we are seeking Cardiology/Vascular experts who regularly work with Stents who could provide guidance.
• Do you have access to anyone who would be able to review our thinking for this area, based on current practice and advice?
• This would not be a long piece of work, once we have a small group of experts pulled together – probably a couple of webinars and may be some review material.

o Andrea update: I spoke to Jane about this, and it is a volunteer role and Jane believes that are likely to be two Zoom meetings of about 30-60 minutes in duration
 About 1 hour of pre-reading in preparation for these meetings

• Neurology - more specifically, which may be helpful for you, it relates to redesigning the injuries area related to spinal cord injuries, particularly incomplete spinal cord injuries and how they are described – using terms such as lesions, injuries and syndromes. Because lesion/damage can be observed by imaging, a key question is whether we can equate syndrome and damage/lesion. If we differentiate, we get different inferences.
• We are not sure whether our current representation is in line with current practice.

o Andrea update: From my chat with Jane, she expects this interaction to occur by sending back feedback and advice via email and she does not believe that it will be too labour intensive

If you know of anyone, would you please have them contact Jane Millar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) and Ian Green (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) directly.

Thank you.


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