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TOPIC: HL7 International May 2016 Ballot Cycle is now Open

HL7 International May 2016 Ballot Cycle is now Open 8 years 10 months ago #1234

HL7 (Health Level Seven) International May 2016 Ballot is now open for comments.

Ballot opens: Friday, April 1, 2016
Ballot closes: Friday, April 22, 2016

To view the official opening announcements of the May 2016 Ballot from HL7 International, and which pools are up for balloting, please access the HL7 International Ballot Desktop (login required, steps noted below).

To access the HL7 International Ballot Desktop
  1. Login to access our InfoCentral HL7 International page
  2. Click on the link for Visit HL7 International website
  3. On the HL7 International page, click on the button: Login with Generic HL7 Canada Account
  4. Under Resources in header, click on Balloting where you can access the Ballot Desktop

  • To download a copy of the standard or parts of the standard, HL7 International access is required, upon login please visit HL7 International's download page
  • Fill out your comments for each ballot pool by using the corresponding ballot comments sheet.
  • To submit your ballot comment spreadsheet please reply to this posting and upload your comment sheet to the Document section.
  • You may submit a ballot comment spreadsheet as many times as you like for each pool up to the closing date. However, please note that your new submission will overwrite your old submission file.

Anyone wishing additional guidance or having further questions can direct their requests via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Questions? Please reply to this posting with your questions.
Last Edit: 8 years 9 months ago by lmonico.
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